the furry little kiwifruit is full of surprises!小獼猴桃最初生長在中國,是一種營養(yǎng)豐富的水果

mihoutao 2024 年 9 月 29 日20:46:27評論0 views閱讀模式

New Zealand Rubyred Kiwi

▲New Zealand Rubyred Kiwi

First grown in China and a nutritional powerhouse, the furry little kiwifruit is full of surprises!
Prized for its tangy flavour and emerald-green flesh, kiwifruit (actinidia deliciosa) is a Chinese native called ‘yang tao‘, also known as ‘Chinese gooseberry’ in English. Yang tao seeds were brought to New Zealand in the early 20th century where they were commercially grown and called ‘kiwifruit’, the name that would be adopted officially by international trade in 1974. Today kiwifruit is grown all over the world.

Harvest Sunshine Golden Fruit Kiwi Orchard

▲Harvest Sunshine Golden Fruit Kiwi Orchard


Red kiwifruit

▲Red kiwifruit

The kiwifruit looks like a small, brown, furry egg and is available throughout the year. Select fruit that gives a little but is also firm and heavy for its size. Avoid fruit that is soft, wrinkled or bruised.


Harvest Sunshine Golden Fruit Kiwi Orchard

▲Harvest Sunshine Golden Fruit Kiwi Orchard

For maximum storage life, store kiwifruit alone. Fruits such as apples and bananas produce ethylene gas that can hasten ripening. Ripe kiwifruit can be stored in the fridge for up to seven days.


You can cut kiwifruit in half crossways and scoop out the fruit with a spoon or peel and cut kiwifruit as necessary (see How to peel a kiwifruit). When pureeing kiwifruit, stop processing before crushing the seeds, which are slightly bitter. Take care when combining kiwifruit with dairy as an enzyme in the fruit can cause curdling, and avoid using kiwifruit with gelatine as the same enzyme can prevent it from setting.


Botanically the kiwifruit is a berry and highly nutritious. Kiwifruit is a rich source of vitamin C, fibre and antioxidants. It also contains vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and folate. Kiwifruit has a low-to-moderate glycemic index, providing longer-lasting energy.


Green kiwifruit is the most popular. The dull green-brown skin is covered in short, stiff hair. Underneath is bright green flesh and a small white centre surrounded by rows of small, black, edible seeds. The flavour is sometimes described as a mix of strawberry, banana and pineapple.

Kiwi male and female flowers

▲Kiwi male and female flowers


Gold kiwifruit was developed in the 1980s. It looks similar to the green but has a smoother (almost hair-free), bronze skin and a pointed cap at one end. The distinctive golden yellow flesh is less tart with a more tropical flavour (a hint of mango) than green kiwifruit.


Bees pollinate kiwifruit

▲Bees pollinate kiwifruit

Quick ideas
Diced kiwifruit teams really well with diced fresh mango, diced cucumber, lime juice, olive oil and a hint of chilli as a salsa over barbecued fish or chicken.
Kiwifruit daiquiri: blend 2 peeled, diced kiwifruit, 1 tablespoon caster sugar, 2 tablespoons lime juice, 2 shots white rum, 8 ice cubes and a few drops green food colouring (optional) in a blender until well combined. Pour into cocktail glass and serve.

Kiwifruit daiquiri:在攪拌機中混合2顆去皮、切丁的獼猴桃、1湯匙砂糖、2湯匙酸橙汁、2杯白朗姆酒、8塊冰塊和幾滴綠色食用色素(可選),直至混合均勻。倒入雞尾酒杯即可。

pollinate kiwifruit

▲Zunyi Bohong Kiwi Fruit Industry Co., Ltd. is the largest kiwi fruit industry company in Guizhou Province, planting 1200 acres of high-altitude kiwifruit. It is a leading agricultural enterprise in Zunyi City and an advanced poverty alleviation enterprise at the municipal level. The kiwi pollen project is the largest single area macaque peach blossom pollen orchard in China, with a single pollen collection area of 400 acres. During the high-yield period, 400 kilograms of pollen are produced, providing high-quality, high ploidy, and high activity kiwi pollen that can meet the pollen needs of 30000 acres of orchards. Contact WeChat 18030405084 tel 86 18030405084



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