Chapter Thirteen – Kiwifruit and Mineral Nutrition第十三章獼猴桃與礦物質(zhì)營養(yǎng)

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Chapter Thirteen - Kiwifruit and Mineral Nutrition第十三章獼猴桃與礦物質(zhì)營養(yǎng)

Dietary minerals are essential nutrients that drive key cellular and physiological functions. Each mineral is absorbed in the gut via unique, complex pathways that can involve a cascade of receptors and binding proteins. Foods can both provide dietary minerals and contain components that impact the bioavailability of minerals in the digestive system. Kiwifruit exceeds most other fruits in its content of key micronutrients including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, and folate. It also contains exceedingly high levels of ascorbic acid, which increases the bioavailability of nonheme iron and can impact on calcium absorption. Recent research in cells, animals, and humans has demonstrated that kiwifruit, particularly the gold variety, can increase the uptake and retention of the essential dietary minerals iron, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

A kiwi orchard with abundant fruits

▲A kiwi orchard with abundant fruits


Kiwi Pollination

▲Kiwi Pollination

Dietary minerals are inorganic elements that are required in small quantities but are essential for health. They have a number of functions within the human body. Some, such as copper and magnesium, stabilize the structure of proteins and DNA. Other minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, are themselves important structural components of bone. A number of minerals are enzyme cofactors or are involved in redox reactions and electrical gradients (Fleet, Replogle, & Salt, 2011). Key dietary minerals include iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, and potassium. Even people who consume high-energy Western diets may be deficient in minerals such as iron and calcium, while illness can contribute to deficiencies in potassium and magnesium. New research continues to refine and evolve our understanding of the mechanisms through which dietary minerals are independently or synergistically absorbed and utilized in the body.

Red kiwifruit

▲Red kiwifruit

Mineral uptake is dependent on the level in the diet and the needs of the body but is also modulated by other factors. Dietary minerals must be bioavailable: that is, they must be present in a form in which the digestive system is able to remove them from food and absorb them into the bloodstream for use in the body. Antinutritional factors can lower the bioavailability of a mineral by chelating it and making it insoluble; conversely, some food components can enhance bioavailability by making favorable changes to the gut microenvironment (Hunt et al., 1995, Hurrell, 2003, Lopez et al., 2003, Record et al., 1996, Song et al., 2012). Similarly, processing, refinement, and cooking or storage procedures used on a food can affect its mineral content and bioavailability (Kimura and Itokawa, 1990, Reddy and Love, 1999). In addition, interactions occur between minerals in the body so that a deficiency or excess of one mineral can affect the status of another mineral (Lonnerdal, 2010, Pepin and Shields, 2012).
Kiwifruit both contain minerals and impact the absorption of several dietary minerals. These include iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, and potassium, which are discussed individually in more detail below.






Essential Dietary Minerals
The human body contains 2–4 g of iron (Bothwell, Charlton, Cook, & Finch, 1979). The majority of this iron is found in hemoglobin, the erythrocyte protein responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues. Much of the remaining iron in the body is found in myoglobin, a protein important for the storage of oxygen in muscle tissue. Iron acts as a transport medium for electrons in cells and is an important component of many enzymes, playing a role in oxidative metabolism and
Mineral Absorption in the Digestive System
The pH of the digestive system differs in each compartment, and the mechanisms and locations of a mineral's absorption are partly determined by the pH at which the mineral is soluble. Some minerals, such as magnesium and calcium, are soluble within a wide pH range and thus remain as free ions through the entire digestive system. Others, such as iron and copper, are soluble only under acidic conditions and form insoluble precipitates in nonacidic compartments of the digestive system (Powell,



Dietary iron is found in two well-characterized forms: heme and nonheme iron. Heme iron is found in red meat, chicken, and fish. Heme iron is well absorbed (15–35% absorbed from meals), with dietary factors and an individual's iron status having only a small effect on absorption (Gibson, Donovan, & Heath, 1997). Most dietary iron is in the form of nonheme iron, which is present in meats, eggs, cereals, legumes, pulses, fruit, and vegetables. However, the absorption of nonheme iron is poor

Minerals in Kiwifruit
Kiwifruit is popular with consumers because it has a pleasant taste and texture, and because, being approximately 90% water, it is low in energy. It is also viewed as a “healthy” food: it is nutrient dense, containing complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber, as described in earlier chapters of this volume. Kiwifruit are relatively rich in minerals and other nutrients compared with other fruits. (Note: In this chapter, “kiwifruit” generally refers to green kiwifruit, Actinidia deliciosa cv.

Kiwi Pollen

▲Kiwi Pollen

Kiwifruit Components Facilitate Mineral Uptake
For an individual to obtain all the essential nutrients, it is recommended that nutrient-dense foods are included in the diet. Components in food may influence dietary mineral absorption. Ideal foods are both nutrient dense and contain bioactive factors that enhance mineral absorption.
The mechanism by which ascorbic acid enhances iron absorption is well established (Fairweather-Tait, 1995). As kiwifruit is a rich source of ascorbic acid, consuming kiwifruit with a dietary source of iron has the

collecting anthers

▲collecting anthers

Kiwifruit is a nutrient-dense food, containing nutritionally significant amounts of several key micronutrients often found to be deficient, even in high-energy Western diets. High levels of ascorbic acid in kiwifruit have been shown to aid mineral uptake and retention both in vitro and in vivo. Consumption of kiwifruit can therefore make an important contribution to an individual's diet and health.


pollinate kiwifruit

▲Zunyi Bohong Kiwi Fruit Industry Co., Ltd. is the largest kiwi fruit industry company in Guizhou Province, planting 1200 acres of high-altitude kiwifruit. It is a leading agricultural enterprise in Zunyi City and an advanced poverty alleviation enterprise at the municipal level. The kiwi pollen project is the largest single area macaque peach blossom pollen orchard in China, with a single pollen collection area of 400 acres. During the high-yield period, 400 kilograms of pollen are produced, providing high-quality, high ploidy, and high activity kiwi pollen that can meet the pollen needs of 30000 acres of orchards. Contact WeChat 18030405084 tel 86 18030405084



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