Disease Threatens New Zealand Kiwi Industry 疾病威脅新西蘭獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)

mihoutao 2024 年 9 月 26 日13:48:11評論0 views閱讀模式

kiwi orchard

▲Leo Whittle

Leo Whittle in his kiwi orchard in Te Puke, on the east coast of New Zealand’s North Island.Leo Whittle在新西蘭北島東海岸的Te Puke的獼猴桃園里。

TE PUKE, NEW ZEALAND — Traffic heading east into this small town in northern New Zealand is greeted by a monolithic, circular slice of kiwi — one side bright green, the other golden yellow — a monument to the heart of the local economy.

Training on Pollination Techniques for Kiwi Orchard

▲Training on Pollination Techniques for Kiwi Orchard

Visitors can climb to a viewing platform inside the icon and look down at the verdant canopy of a kiwi orchard. But in the past few days, the orchard has been surrounded by a jarring addition: red-and-white tape that carries a warning, “Danger — keep out.”


kiwi blossoms that have completed pollination

▲kiwi blossoms that have completed pollination

At ground level, a typed notice warns people not to enter the orchard since the discovery of a destructive canker, found in New Zealand for the first time last Monday. What the notice does not say is that pseudomonas syringae pv actinidae, usually known as PSA, has the country’s kiwi industry, worth 1.5 billion New Zealand dollars, or $1.2 billion, in a crisis mode.

在地面,一份打印的通知警告人們不要進(jìn)入果園,因為上周一在新西蘭首次發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種破壞性的潰瘍病。通知沒有說明的是,丁香假單胞菌(pseudomonas syringae pv actinidae),通常被稱為PSA,使該國價值15億新西蘭元(約合12億美元)的獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)處于危機狀態(tài)。

packaging kiwi pollen

▲testing pollen

The bacterial disease was first discovered in Japan 25 years ago and has four known strains with varying levels of virulence. Growers were awaiting test results on Sunday to find out which strain they were dealing with.

One thing they do know: The golden variety of the fruit, introduced 10 years ago and trademarked by Zespri International, the New Zealand grower-owned kiwi-marketing company, has proved to be especially susceptible.

他們確實知道一件事:10年前推出的這種黃金品種的獼猴桃,由新西蘭種植者所有的獼猴桃營銷公司Zespri International注冊商標(biāo),已被證明特別容易感染。

Harvest Sunshine Golden Fruit Kiwi Orchard

▲Harvest Sunshine Golden Fruit Kiwi Orchard

New Zealand officials have urged the public to stay away from kiwi orchards to avoid transferring the disease, which can be spread by humans and other agents, including animals, rain splashes and pollen.

PSA affects the vine, not the fruit, which is safe for consumers, and its effects on vines vary, depending on the strain and the local climate.

In Italy, damages to recent harvests have been estimated at about €2 million, or $2.7 million.

PSA影響葡萄藤,而不是水果,這對消費者來說是安全的,它對葡萄藤的影響因品種和當(dāng)?shù)貧夂蚨悺?br /> 在意大利,最近收成的損失估計約為200萬歐元,約合270萬美元。

Collect kiwi blossoms

▲Collect kiwi blossoms

In Te Puke, a town of about 7,000 residents that calls itself the “kiwi fruit capital of the world,” 11 orchards had been quarantined by Sunday evening, and there were eight confirmed cases of PSA.

Many local people who rely on the orchard industry for their livelihoods are concerned.

“My whole life earnings is tied up in this property and this is my sole source of income,” said Leo Whittle, a 68-year-old grower who has been tending the same orchard since 1985. “So I would hate to lose everything I’ve spent a lifetime building, I suppose.

“我一生的收入都與這處房產(chǎn)息息相關(guān),這是我唯一的收入來源,”68歲的種植者Leo Whittle說,他自1985年以來一直在照料同一個果園?!八晕也幌胧ノ一艘惠呑咏ㄔ斓囊磺?,我想。

New Zealand Rubyred Kiwi

▲New Zealand Rubyred Kiwi

“But we’re nowhere near that stage, and I’d rather we didn’t talk that way.”

Mr. Whittle’s orchard in Te Puke is on the Bay of Plenty, on the east coast of New Zealand’s North Island. The surrounding region contains about 77 percent of the country’s kiwi orchards.

The familiar motif of the furry fruit is found throughout the township. Cartoon kiwis with wheels present billboard safety messages to drivers. There is an annual kiwi festival that culminates in the crowning of a kiwi queen. And when a new church started in the area five years ago, it was named The Orchard.

Bees pollinate kiwifruit

▲Bees pollinate kiwifruit

“但我們離那個階段還很遠(yuǎn),我寧愿我們不要那樣說話?!?br /> 惠特爾先生在特普克的果園位于新西蘭北島東海岸的豐盛灣。周邊地區(qū)擁有該國約77%的獼猴桃園。

Bee pollination

▲Bee pollination

“Care and nurturing,” said Des Langdon, one of the church elders. “That’s part of a church. That’s what needs to go in an orchard.”

Mr. Langdon said the kiwi fruit formed a big part of Te Puke’s “psyche.” He believed the orchard metaphor was a perfect fit for the congregation.

“Everybody understands what has to happen in an orchard to make it work, and so that same principle is carried through,” Mr. Langdon said.

Harvest Sunshine Golden Fruit Kiwi Orchard

▲Harvest Sunshine Golden Fruit Kiwi Orchard

教會長老之一德斯·蘭登說:“關(guān)心和養(yǎng)育?!??!斑@是教堂的一部分。這就是果園里需要的東西?!?br /> 蘭登先生說,獼猴桃是特普克“心靈”的重要組成部分。他認(rèn)為果園的比喻非常適合會眾。

In Te Puke, the talk is that PSA was carried into New Zealand in imported pollen, which is manually applied in many orchards because it is cheaper than pollen purchased in the country. But government experts have emphasized that the origin is still unknown and that the disease may have been in the country, undetected, for years.


packaging kiwipollen

▲packaging kiwipollen

Mr. Whittle did not put much stock in local speculation and said his experience gave him confidence that the industry could survive.

He grew kiwi throughout a price crash caused by oversupply in the 1980s, threats of litigation from Italian retailers in the 1990s and various diseases and infections over the years. Sitting in his conservatory, looking out at rows of certified-organic kiwi fruit vines, he said that many people were concerned about PSA, and he “would be one, in due course, if it did prove to be a real big problem.”


A kiwi orchard with abundant fruits

▲A kiwi orchard with abundant fruits

Like those of two-thirds of New Zealand kiwi growers, Mr. Whittle’s orchard is smaller than five hectares, or about 12 acres. His vines cover four and a half hectares. He and his wife chose to grow only the green variety — known as Hayward’s cultivar — because they liked the taste more than that of the gold fruit.

While Mr. Whittle acknowledged there was a lot at stake, he worried that sensationalizing the issue could lead export markets to believe, mistakenly, that New Zealand fruit was tainted: “We don’t want to destroy that wonderful image that we have out there.”

Kiwi Pollination

▲Kiwi Pollination




Indeed, the image of the kiwifruit has become a familiar cultural icon in New Zealand, appearing on stamps and souvenirs, even though it is not a native plant. The New Zealand fruit-packing company Turners & Growers started using the name "kiwifruit" in 1959. The word "kiwi" originally comes from a species of flightless bird that is native to New Zealand. It evokes a sense of national identity, as New Zealanders are colloquially known at home and abroad as Kiwis.


Kiwi Fruit Pollination

▲Kiwi Fruit Pollination

The first seeds were carried to New Zealand from China by a schoolteacher in 1904. Initially known as the Chinese gooseberry, the fruit was reported to have grown in popularity after finding favor with visiting U.S. troops during World War II.

In 1952, Te Puke sent out the country’s first exports. Since then, the fruit has grown to become the country’s highest-earning horticultural crop, accounting for almost a third of horticultural export earnings.

picking kiwi flowers

▲picking kiwi flowers

In 2009, New Zealand exported 378 million kilograms, or about 415,000 tons, of the fruit, worth 1.07 billion dollars.


Kiwi pollination

▲Kiwi pollination

The country is the world’s second-biggest producer of kiwi, behind Italy, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization, an arm of the United Nations. New Zealand also has significant interests in the Italian industry; Zespri International licenses growers in Italy to produce its golden fruit to ensure year-round supplies. The company said more than half its Italian vines had been affected by PSA in recent seasons.

Now the disease threatens to damage the New Zealand industry just as the national economy has started to recover, albeit slowly, from the global downturn. It grew by 0.2 percent in the quarter that ended last June.

根據(jù)聯(lián)合國下屬的糧食及農(nóng)業(yè)組織的數(shù)據(jù),該國是僅次于意大利的世界第二大獼猴桃生產(chǎn)國。新西蘭對意大利工業(yè)也有重大利益;Zespri International授權(quán)意大利種植者生產(chǎn)其金果,以確保全年供應(yīng)。該公司表示,近幾個季度,其一半以上的意大利葡萄藤受到了PSA的影響。



This month, the government announced the unemployment rate had fallen by half a percentage point to 6.4 percent in the July-to-September quarter. The kiwi industry employs more than 20,000 people, and any disruption could put more people out of work.

But the industry has reacted swiftly to problems in the past.

In the early 1990s, after Italian retailers threatened legal action over pesticide residue on New Zealand kiwi fruit, a new set of quality standards was implemented, and by 1997 every export grower had complied.

In 1994 and 1995, orchards were hit with Botrytis cinerea, a fungal disease that caused 31.5 million dollars in damages. A number of changes to growing and storage processes were established, cutting infection levels to a negligible level.




New Zealand has tight border controls and issues stiff penalties for any infringements. The opposition Labor Party has used the discovery of PSA to point to a government decision to cut 54 bio-security jobs in 2009, an action that Mr. Whittle said he remembered with frustration.




“I was disappointed to see the numbers reduced,” he said.

“I challenged my local M.P. about that,” he said referring to the local member of Parliament. “And I still think we should have been going the other way, not this way.

“Maybe something like this may alert the politicians to the seriousness of this sort of thing, and maybe they will have another think about that. I’d like to think so, anyway.”






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