Zespri’s red kiwifruit is being renamed Zespri RubyRed. Zespri的紅色獼猴桃將更名為Zespri RubyRed(寶石紅獼猴桃)

mihoutao 2022 年 9 月 21 日18:14:15Zespri’s red kiwifruit is being renamed Zespri RubyRed. Zespri的紅色獼猴桃將更名為Zespri RubyRed(寶石紅獼猴桃)已關(guān)閉評論217 views閱讀模式

RubyRed: Zespri Red kiwifruit gets a new name

Zespri's red kiwifruit is being renamed Zespri RubyRed. Zespri的紅色獼猴桃將更名為Zespri RubyRed(寶石紅獼猴桃)。

rubyred 寶石紅獼猴桃

▲rubyred 寶石紅獼猴桃

Zespri has confirmed that its current red kiwifruit will be named Zespri RubyRed for the first year of sales of commercial volumes in the upcoming 2022 season.



Zespri已確認,其目前的紅色獼猴桃將被命名為Zespri RubyRed,以在即將到來的2022年銷售季實現(xiàn)第一年的商業(yè)銷量。

Kiwifruit planting

▲Kiwifruit planting

Commercialised in December 2019 and initially marketed as Zespri Red during the sales trials, Zespri RubyRed Kiwifruit will be available in commercial volumes for the first time in 2022 in New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, and China, with volumes expected to increase from 70,000 trays in 2021 to around 250,000 trays in 2022.

zespri goldenkiwifruit

▲zespri goldenkiwifruit

Zespri RubyRed獼猴桃于2019年12月開始商業(yè)化,并在銷售試驗期間最初以Zespri Red進行銷售,2022年將在新西蘭、新加坡、日本和中國首次實現(xiàn)商業(yè)化,預計銷量將從2021的70000托盤增加到2022年的250000托盤左右。

Golden Kiwi seedlings

▲Golden Kiwi seedlings▲

Zespri chief growth officer Jiunn Shih said the new name better reflected the fruit's properties and had tested well in consumer research.

Zespri首席生長官Jiunn Shih說,新名稱更好地反映了水果的特性,并在消費者研究中得到了很好的測試。



"Consumers have been attracted to the fruit's unique colour profile and berry-like taste and we've been delighted with their feedback," Shih said.


Kiwi pollen

▲Kiwi pollen▲

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"The consumer response to our limited sales trials over the last three seasons have exceeded expectations and suggest Zespri RubyRed Kiwifruit is able to attract new and younger consumers into the kiwifruit category, complementing our offering of the world's best kiwifruit.

rubyred 寶石紅奇異果

▲rubyred 寶石紅奇異果


“過去三個季度,消費者對我們有限銷售試驗的反應超出了預期,表明Zespri RubyRed獼猴桃能夠吸引新的和年輕的消費者進入獼猴桃類別,補充了我們提供的世界上最好的獼猴桃。

Kiwifruit orchard

▲Kiwifruit orchard

"As we've moved towards establishing commercial volumes of our red kiwifruit, we've been exploring names that better embody the essence of the fruit, and which we hope resonate with our consumers.

gold Kiwifruit plant

▲gold Kiwifruit orchard




"Throughout our consumer research, Zespri RubyRed Kiwifruit has remained at the top of consumer's preference list – not only because it reflects the rare and precious nature of the fruit but the ruby element gives consumers an immediate sense of that alluring red colour."

zespri sungold g3 kiwi

▲zespri sungold g3 kiwi


zespri rubyred kiwifruit

▲zespri rubyred kiwifruit

rubyred 寶石紅奇異果

▲rubyred 寶石紅奇異果





Golden kiwifruit

▲Golden kiwifruit▲

zespri RubyRed

▲zespri RubyRed



Kiwifruit planting

▲Kiwifruit planting

rubyred 寶石紅獼猴桃

▲rubyred 寶石紅獼猴桃
