How a ‘pirate’ smuggled kiwifruit gold to China and jeopardised a billion-dollar industry 如何將獼猴桃黃金走私到中國,并危及價(jià)值數(shù)十億美元的產(chǎn)業(yè)

mihoutao 2022 年 11 月 23 日00:38:12How a ‘pirate’ smuggled kiwifruit gold to China and jeopardised a billion-dollar industry 如何將獼猴桃黃金走私到中國,并危及價(jià)值數(shù)十億美元的產(chǎn)業(yè)已關(guān)閉評論157 views閱讀模式

How a 'pirate' smuggled kiwifruit gold to China and jeopardised a billion-dollar industry一名“海盜”如何將獼猴桃黃金走私到中國,并危及價(jià)值數(shù)十億美元的產(chǎn)業(yè)

sungold g3 kiwi planting

▲sungold g3 kiwi planting

The SunGold kiwifruit is a prized New Zealand export, but cuttings were planted in China and now a billion-dollar industry is at risk.



New Zealand Minister for Trade, Export Growth and Agriculture Damien O'Connor said the New Zealand Government was in regular talks with Zespri over the SunGold planting in China, but it was a private matter.Growers are split on what to do and their opinion matters because Zespri's proposal to trial working with some of the Chinese growers will come down to a vote.

yellow kiwi orchard

▲yellow kiwi orchard

新西蘭貿(mào)易、出口增長和農(nóng)業(yè)部長達(dá)米恩·奧康納(Damien O'Connor)表示,新西蘭政府正與Zespri就在中國種植SunGold進(jìn)行定期談判,但這是一個(gè)私人問題。種植者在該做什么和他們的意見上存在分歧,因?yàn)閆espri提出的與一些中國種植者嘗試合作的建議將付諸表決。

golden kiwi tree

▲golden kiwi tree

"There'd be a dramatic drop in price if we lost China.")"While we are not in the position we would like to be in respect to the spread of our licensed variety, we believe that the best pathway forward and that which has the best likelihood for a long-term positive result is one which works with the Chinese industry."

sungold kiwi orchard

▲sungold kiwi orchard


zespri sungold g3 kiwi

▲zespri sungold g3 kiwi

Haha, the irony of the NZ foreign ministers recent statement. This is what being close to PRC got them, more to come. Richard Rennie of Farmers Weekly: 'You could argue we stole the kiwifruit, then originally known as the Chinese gooseberry, early in the 1900s,' referencing how the kiwifruit came to be in NZ in the first place.The new Zealanders foolishly gave a licence ( to grow) to a chinese bloke. He took cuttings back to China. This is exactly how the operate. They steal, copy and counterfeit. Like they stole the Pavlova! I used to grow Chinese gooseberry vines in Melbourne when I was a kid .. my mum bought the baby seedling from a local plant nursery … I was intrigued that NZ claimed they invented it 20 years later

Kiwi pollination

▲Kiwi pollination▲

哈哈,諷刺的是新西蘭外長最近的聲明。這就是接近中國給他們帶來的,還有更多?!掇r(nóng)民周刊》(Farmers Weekly)的理查德·雷尼(Richard Rennie)說:“你可以說,早在20世紀(jì)初,我們就偷了獼猴桃,當(dāng)時(shí)它最初被稱為中國獼猴桃?!彼傅氖谦J猴桃最初是如何來到新西蘭的。新西蘭人愚蠢地給了一個(gè)中國小伙子(種植)許可證。他把剪枝帶回了中國。這正是操作的方式。他們偷竊、復(fù)制和偽造。就像他們偷走了巴甫洛娃!當(dāng)我還是個(gè)孩子的時(shí)候,我曾經(jīng)在墨爾本種過中國獼猴桃藤。我媽媽從當(dāng)?shù)氐拿缙再I來了這種幼苗。我很好奇新西蘭聲稱他們20年后發(fā)明了它。



and while kiwifruits make up only a small portion of that, analysts are quick to point out how exposed the small nation is to the Asian superpower."Only the timing of it is.It will be bloody’: Threat to China Vietnam is in a similar boat.

Rubyred kiwi orchard

▲Yellow kiwi

"They're growing half as many kiwifruits in their country as we're growing here already, so just by ramping up production they could do without New Zealand completely. (Getty) Secondly, Chinese economic growth, fired by massive construction projects, is tailing off. “Such action may risk a significant Chinese response against Australia”, it warns." New Zealand Minister for Trade, Export Growth and Agriculture Damien O'Connor said the New Zealand Government was in regular talks with Zespri over the SunGold planting in China, but it was a private matter. "The New Zealand Government is not involved in Zespri's discussions with potential Chinese partners on its proposed commercial trial in Sichuan," he said in a statement. It must shift away from building as its primary growth driver," Mr Llewellyn-Smith wrote. "This is a commercial matter for Zespri's consideration arising from the nature of the situation on the ground. The scene has already been set. It is not a matter between the New Zealand and Chinese governments. "CCP legitimacy will fail as the economy slows. Facebook The court held a closed trial on Thursday and gave no indication of when a verdict would be released.

Rubyred kiwi orchard

▲Rubyred kiwi orchard

“他們在本國種植的獼猴桃數(shù)量是我們在這里種植的一半,因此,只要提高產(chǎn)量,他們就可以完全擺脫新西蘭。(蓋蒂)其次,由大規(guī)模建設(shè)項(xiàng)目推動(dòng)的中國經(jīng)濟(jì)增長正在放緩?!斑@種行動(dòng)可能會冒著中國對澳大利亞做出重大反應(yīng)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn),”新西蘭貿(mào)易部長,出口增長和農(nóng)業(yè)達(dá)米恩·奧康納(Damien O'Connor)表示,新西蘭政府正與Zespri就在中國種植SunGold進(jìn)行定期談判,但這是一個(gè)私人問題。他在一份聲明中表示:“新西蘭政府沒有參與Zespri與潛在中國合作伙伴就其在四川的商業(yè)試驗(yàn)計(jì)劃進(jìn)行的討論?!?。盧埃林·史密斯寫道:“它必須擺脫建筑作為其主要增長驅(qū)動(dòng)力的局面,這是Zespri考慮的商業(yè)問題,由當(dāng)?shù)鼐謩莸男再|(zhì)決定?!?。場景已經(jīng)設(shè)置好了。這不是新西蘭和中國政府之間的問題。“隨著經(jīng)濟(jì)放緩,中共的合法性將失敗。Facebook法院周四舉行了閉門審判,沒有給出何時(shí)公布判決的任何跡象。



" The Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office in China's New Zealand embassy was contacted for comment. Growers are split on what to do and their opinion matters because Zespri's proposal to trial working with some of the Chinese growers will come down to a vote.


sungold kiwi growing zone

▲sungold kiwi growing zone

"I wouldn't like to lose the Chinese market. The bigger hit, however, will be to national income. "There'd be a dramatic drop in price if we lost China." One objective of the proposed trial is to determine if Chinese consumers would be willing to pay a premium price for Zespri fruit that was a product of China.

rubyred 寶石紅奇異果

▲rubyred 寶石紅奇異果


Yellow g3 kiwi

▲Yellow g3 kiwi

"What is currently proposed is a small-scale one-year trial which would see us work with a small number of growers to test a restricted amount of fruit on-orchard, through our supply chain and with consumers," she said in a statement. But it’s also “too voracious” to be left unopposed. "While we are not in the position we would like to be in respect to the spread of our licensed variety, we believe that the best pathway forward and that which has the best likelihood for a long-term positive result is one which works with the Chinese industry. Presuming that AUD can keep on falling without creating inflation then there is no obvious immediate limit to it," Mr Llewellyn-Davis wrote." The vote opened to growers this week and will run until June 25. Growers get to have their say on two resolutions — that the trial can go ahead and that the fruit produced as part of it can be sold with an official Zespri label, albeit with China noted as the country of origin. "It would be a repeat of 2015, only permanent, but just as survivable. But political tensions continue to rise. Securing the golden gooseberry Research kiwifruits, China and New Zealand long enough and someone will make one very simple historical point.

Kiwi pollination

▲Kiwi pollination




"You could argue we stole the kiwifruit, then originally known as the Chinese gooseberry, early in the 1900s," Mr Rennie said, referencing how the kiwifruit came to be in New Zealand in the first place. "And you could say they've done an adept job of stealing it back from us. Both leaders released their Joint Leaders' Statement that reaffirmed their ‘objections to China's unlawful claims and activities in the South China Sea’." Intellectual property law is supposed to protect those who invest in developing unique goods, but it isn't always easy in the global marketplace. A logo of a Chinese company found in the Shanghai trademark database, uses the brand name "Zsgpii, Gold". ( Supplied: cnipa. “As expected, China has castigated these US operations and cited them as a pretext for further militarising its artificial islands,” Cook writes.




Golden kiwifruit

▲Golden kiwifruit

Zespri holds the plant variety rights (PVR) to the SunGold kiwifruit in New Zealand, which is why Gao was ordered to pay damages, but those rights mean little in the Chinese marketplace. Last year, . “Any Australian FONOP in the South China Sea would likely face greater operational risks and lead to greater punitive reactions from China than US operations have. That only protects Zespri branding, not the unique plants the fruit grew on. And as Mr Hoadley points out, what happens in Shanghai, and even at a national government level, does not always align with what happens on, or in, the ground.

g3 kiwifruit

▲g3 kiwifruit


gold g3 kiwi

▲gold g3 kiwi

"The [Chinese] government is concerned to protect its own intellectual property and the spin-off is it would then have to protect other countries' intellectual property," he said. The ‘Goldilocks’ zone “To prevent China’s prospective domination of a main artery of global trade, what’s necessary is nothing less than a multilateral ‘Goldilocks’ approach, which checks Beijing’s worst instincts through an optimal combination of engagement and deterrence,” says Professor Heydarian. "It's a big country and provinces often diverge from Beijing policy — there is a certain amount of corruption, a certain amount of political party interference in affairs. "That's why the Zespri [proposal to form] a direct relationship with the company in Sichuan is a very interesting one because it might be more effective to do that than, say, go from Jacinda Ardern to Xi Jinping and make a big issue of this." for the trial in China, saying it posed "more than a low risk" to producers.” The Lowy brief argues a similar case. Zespri made some amendments and now the growers will decide if it can go ahead.



“中國政府關(guān)心的是保護(hù)自己的知識產(chǎn)權(quán),其后果是它將不得不保護(hù)其他國家的知識產(chǎn)權(quán),”他說。Heydarian教授說,“為了防止中國對全球貿(mào)易主要?jiǎng)用}的未來統(tǒng)治,我們需要的是一種多邊的“金發(fā)女郎”方法,通過接觸和威懾的最佳組合來遏制北京最壞的本能?!??!爸袊且粋€(gè)大國,各省往往與北京的政策不同-存在一定程度的腐敗,一定程度的政黨干預(yù)。”這就是為什么Zespri(提議)與該公司在四川建立直接關(guān)系是一個(gè)非常有趣的提議,因?yàn)檫@樣做可能比,比如說, “對于在中國進(jìn)行的試驗(yàn),稱其對生產(chǎn)商構(gòu)成了“不僅僅是低風(fēng)險(xiǎn)”。Lowy簡報(bào)提出了類似的案例。Zespri做出了一些修正,現(xiàn)在種植者將決定是否可以繼續(xù)進(jìn)行。

sungold orchard management

▲sungold orchard management

The story of the SunGold kiwifruit is one about managing risk, both commercial and political, and the complexities of doing business with China. In a large city like Beijing, consumers will most likely only find authorised, official SunGold kiwifruits in the supermarket. And that makes any agreement between the Southeast Asian states over Beijing’s proposed regional “Code of Conduct” unlikely. ( ) New Zealand's golden kiwifruit is its star export. And there are big questions about whether working with Chinese growers will reduce the chance New Zealand growers lose out in the future. There are risks either way, something that has been apparent since the SunGold cuttings were smuggled out of the country. “China’s more aggressive approach to its unlawful claims in the South China Sea has directly challenged core Australian interests and the global rules-based order,” it argues.

New Zealand zespri Kiwifruit packaging

▲New Zealand zespri Kiwifruit packaging


New Zealand zespri Kiwifruit

▲New Zealand zespri Kiwifruit

The only thing New Zealand producers know for sure is the quality of what they grow on their own farms. And many will tell you, the best thing they can do to keep New Zealand-China kiwifruit trade on track is to simply grow a product Chinese customers love. Their hope being that a "Product of New Zealand" sticker continues to be considered kiwifruit gold. “These policy adjustments should advance Australia’s interests in strengthening Southeast Asian littoral states’ hands in Code of Conduct negotiations with China, moderate pressure to conduct FONOPs in the South China Sea, and reduce the likelihood and scale of Chinese punitive measures against Australia,” the report concludes.

zespri Rubyred Kiwi

▲zespri Rubyred Kiwi


Kiwifruit packing box

▲Kiwifruit packing box

yellow kiwi planting

▲yellow kiwi planting

zespri kiwifruit Import and export

▲zespri kiwifruit Import and export
