利潤再創(chuàng)新高之后 佳沛探討國產(chǎn)陽光金果對市場潛在的沖擊

mihoutao 2023 年 3 月 22 日18:36:53利潤再創(chuàng)新高之后 佳沛探討國產(chǎn)陽光金果對市場潛在的沖擊已關(guān)閉評論113 views閱讀模式

Zespri mulls best way to combat counterfeit kiwifruit in China Zespri思考在中國打擊假冒獼猴桃的最佳方法

Zespri enjoyed another strong season with higher profit and revenue reaching $3.3b.Zespri又迎來了一個強勁的季度,利潤和收入均達到33億美元。

zespri sungold g3 kiwi

▲zespri sungold g3 kiwi

As much as 4000 hectares of Zespri's popular Sun Gold gold kiwifruit could now be illegally planted in China, the kiwifruit exporter says.


zespri kiwifruit Import and export

▲zespri kiwifruit Import and export

Chief executive Dan Mathieson told Zespri’s annual meeting on Tuesday that the focus was still on stopping the planting and mitigating its impact on its brand.

首席執(zhí)行官丹·馬蒂森(Dan Mathieson)周二在Zespri年會上表示,目前的重點仍然是停止種植,減輕種植對品牌的影響。



But it was a highly complex situation.但情況非常復雜。

''We'll continue to adopt a multi-faceted legal and political approach to protect our retail channels,'' he said.他說:“我們將繼續(xù)采取多方面的法律和政治手段來保護我們的零售渠道?!?/p>



''One potential option we've been advised to explore is whether there is a commercial opportunity in commercialising SunGold in China that generates returns for our industry and also mitigates the spread of unauthorised SunGold.''


sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

▲sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

In 2019, there were about 6500 ha of SunGold in New Zealand, with a further 1100ha licensed overseas. Sales of SunGold branded kiwifruit represented about half of Zespri's total revenue.


gold g3 kiwi

▲gold g3 kiwi

Chinese grown kiwifruit passed off as Zespri SunGold, a variety developed in New Zealand (file).中國種植的獼猴桃被冒充為Zespri SunGold,一種在新西蘭開發(fā)的品種(文件)。

Talks with the New Zealand and Chinese governments would continue and no decisions would be made without coming back to shareholders, Mathieson said.




Zespri chairman Bruce Cameron told the virtually-held meeting that the last year had been another strong one for the kiwifruit industry.Zespri主席布魯斯·卡梅隆在幾乎舉行的會議上表示,去年是獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)的又一個強勁年份。

Kiwi pollination

▲Kiwi pollination▲

And while risks remained with Covid-19, ''and we must remain cognisant of that,'' the signals in the market were good.雖然新冠肺炎仍然存在風險,“我們必須認識到這一點”,但市場上的信號是好的。

Golden kiwifruit

▲Golden kiwifruit

Zespri's revenue rose to $3.36 billion, up from $3.14b the previous year. Global revenue from fruit sales increased by 7 percent to $3.14b, and 164.4 million trays were delivered.


zespri RubyRed

▲zespri RubyRed▲

Net profit was $200.8 million, up from $179.8m the year before.凈利潤為2.008億美元,高于上年的1.798億美元。

On average, kiwifruit growers got a 6 per cent increase in returns per hectare for green kiwifruit ($67,295) and 11 per cent for Sungold ($161,660).


Rubyred kiwi orchard

▲Rubyred kiwi orchard

''These numbers are incredibly encouraging for the industry and the wider New Zealand economy during a time of so much economic uncertainty,'' Cameron said.


Kiwi pollen

▲Kiwi pollen▲

The kiwifruit industry’s 27,000 workers have new ways of working to safely get the job done.獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)的27000名工人有新的工作方式來安全地完成工作。
Labour and post-harvest constraints were always a constraint and there was always the risk of losing market access and global uncertainty around Covid-19.




However, Zespri had reached a milestone in Shanghai, where the Chinese government had approved its application for Shanghai Key Trademark Protection status.然而,Zespri在上海達到了一個里程碑,中國政府批準了其上海關(guān)鍵商標保護地位的申請。

golden kiwi tree

▲golden kiwi tree

''Zespri is the only fruit brand and the only New Zealand brand to be recognised in this way,'' Cameron said.卡梅倫說:“Zespri是唯一一個水果品牌,也是唯一一個以這種方式獲得認可的新西蘭品牌?!?。

sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

▲sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

The company has also made a sustainability pledge to use 100 per cent reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging by 2025 and to become carbon positive by 2035.


利潤再創(chuàng)新高之后 佳沛探討國產(chǎn)陽光金果對市場潛在的沖擊

zespri goldenkiwifruit

▲zespri goldenkiwifruit

Yellow kiwi orchard

▲Yellow kiwi orchard
